Green Miles™ is a rewards program initiated by Going Green Limousine to thank consumers for choosing our eco friendly transportation instead of riding in traditional livery towncars and sedans. As you may know, in our industry our full hybrids reduce emissions by up to 80%, and that means every time you travel with us you reduce your carbon footprint. For times when you need a stretch limousine or party bus, we donate a percentage of the fare's proceeds to local environmental causes to offset your carbon footprint. Anytime you travel with Going Green Limousine you are going green.
The Rewards
For every penny you spend with our eco Chicago limo service, you will earn 2% back in Green Miles™. This means you will earn 2% of the fare, the gratuity, and any additional services you may purchase, such as car seat rentals or Meet and Greets to be accumulated as Green Miles™ and used toward any future fare of your choice. There is no minimum amount to earn before Green Miles™ can be redeemed, nor is there a maximum that can be achieved. The loyalty rewards never expire and it's entirely up to the client how to use the Green Miles™. Business travelers can save their loyalty rewards to earn a free trip for a family vacation, or clients can just take a couple of dollars off as they go along. Even fares that use Green Miles™ can earn Green Miles™. Redemption is as easy as letting Going Green Limousine know to which fare you would like the Green Miles™ appplied.
The Fine Print
Green Miles™ is a loyalty rewards program offered by Going Green Limousine, LLC as of April 1, 2010. Earn 2% in Green Miles™ of all monies spent with Going Green Limousine. Green Miles™ can be used against fare(s) of client's choice. Green Miles™ cannot be applied toward gratuity or additional services. If Green Miles™ exceed fare, there will be no cash back value; instead excessive Green Miles™ will be carried forward for a future fare of choice. Green Miles™ never expire. Green Miles™ have zero cash value. The Green Miles™ Loyalty Rewards Program can be changed or canceled at any time. In the event the program is terminated, existing Green Miles™ will still be honored as possible on an upcoming fare(s).